Photos from India

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Trans Mongolian Railway

Words cannot describe the landscape that is passing by my window right now. A poet could do this a lot more justice than I but I will try and make an attempt. It's ten o'clock in the morning and I boarded the train 27 hours ago. I am bound for the capital city of Mongolia, Ulannbaatar. The sights from the train have been some of the most amazing that I have seen on my trip so far. We departed smoggy Beijing and four or five hours later on an overcast and gloomy day, the horizon began to show it's face. Even thought the clouds were covering the blue skies, the sight of the horizon after being in Beijing was a welcome and refreshing site, restoring my mental state back to the happy nature that it usually is in when I travel to unique and beautiful places.

The sky gradually began to clear and the landscape turned to rolling hills that eventually dissipated into flat plains extending as far as you could see. With the sun setting last night, I thought we must be passing through the most beautiful part of the journey. I was wrong. I awoke this morning in the middle of the Gobi desert. Rocky and dusty plains extending everywhere only broken up by the occasional camel wandering the harsh desert landscape in search of it's next source of fresh water. After several hours of the dusty plains of the Gobi desert, the earth began to reveal small patches of grass, usually surrounded by wild horses, camels and cows. The patches of grass became fields and the fields began to stretch out as far as your eye could see. The occasional camel was now replaced with herds of wild horses, sheep and even gazelles. With an enormous blue sky overhead extending out over a sea of green, this is one of the most beautiful places I have seen in my life.

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